Sunday, June 8, 2008

Praying for Sunshine!

Children and parents throughout Montana are praying for sunshine after weeks of rain, rain, and more rain! School's out and the kids want to run and play, collect grasshoppers and butterflies, skateboard, ride bikes and dirtboards, horseback-ride and go fishing and swimming. But this is Montana and it snowed again least at Sky Ranch, it did.

The good news is there is a light at the end of the tunnel...looks like Friday the 13th is going to be a lucky day after all!....The sun will begin shining again on that day and the outdoor photo shoots amidst a profusion of wildflowers and velvety green grass will begin...just in time too!...

Susann Saarel Fine Art Portraiture has pregnancy and newborn, child and family, family reunion photography sessions in addition to some fun senior, pet portrait and even, by request, a few modeling portfolio sessions booked throughout the summer and well into Fall!

If you haven't booked your Summer or Fall session yet, there is still time, contact Susann Saarel for your "Windows of the Heart" photography session today...

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