The Montana Childbirth Collective (MCC) is holding their second annual birth art exhibit, "Celebrating Birth," this Saturday, June 28 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Bozeman Public Library large meeting room.

Sasha Lindberg, of Bellabirthing Doula & Birth Education, invited me to participate this year after discovering my new website and seeing my pregnancy, newborn and baby portraits. Naturally, I said YES and will have three pieces on exhibit. I am also donating a $100 print credit toward the event's numerous prize drawings! Last year, pieces as diverse as placenta prints, bronze belly casts and a Crow cradleboard were on display. The show should be just fascinating...

As a group of doulas and childbirth educators, MCC members share the common goal of empowering women and their partners in seeking fulfilling childbirth experiences. The MCC birth art exhibit has become an expression of this respect for the birth process, mothers, babies, and families. This year the event will also feature two showings of the critically acclaimed film, "The Business of Being Born" produced by Ricki Lake and Abby Epstein.
The exhibit is free and open to the public, and is a family and breastfeeding-friendly event.
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