Sunday, June 29, 2008

Family Circle & Wilhemina Model Mother-Daughter Search 2008

When I shot Courtney's modeling portfolio this past week (see previous blog entry), I took the opportunity to snap some mother-daughter photos as well. Courtney's mom, Lori is just beautiful...just get a load of those amazing freckles!

I suggested they enter the
Family Circle-Wilhemina Model Mother-Daughter Search 2008.
They had to send in a brief write-up (150 words or less) describing their relationship to each other (something about sharing Caesar salad, sushi and licorice??) and could only submit ONE photo.

What a dilemma...which to choose?

The entries will be judged on appearance (34%), photogenic quality (33%) and vitality (33%) as depicted in the photo submitted.
They decided upon this one:

The fabulous Grand Prize package includes a five-year modeling contract each with Wilhemina Models ($15,000 value), an appearance in a Family Circle magazine fashion feature and on, an all-expense paid trip to NYC, jewelry, cosmetics and more!

Good Luck, Lori and Courtney! We're all rooting for you.

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