Monday, June 2, 2008

Children and baby goats!...There's nothing cuter...

Susann Saarel Fine Art Portraiture is pleased to introduce, Igor and Zhivago, our beautiful baby goats...the perfect accessory for a darling child portrait or at the very least, a fun experience for the kids AFTER the photo session at Sky Ranch...

Our two newest "kids" were rescued by a friend, Joe of Paradise Valley. A misled rancher took on 30 baby goats, some as young as 2 days old, with the impression that they could fend for themselves and that they would need nothing more than a piece of plywood for a shelter. Nineteen baby goats died.

Joe collected the remaining 11 goats and needing a companion for our La Mancha doe, Shatoosh, we decided to help Joe out and adopt 2 of his "rescues". Naturally, our twins picked out the 2 smallest and cutest goats, which also happened to be the sickest.

A trip to the vet revealed the babies were only 10 lbs. could feel the skin & bones. They each received 2 giant shots of antiobiotic and were sent home with us on a wing and a prayer...

We put them up in their own stall in the barn as we were told to keep them separate from Shatoosh. Wouldn't you know...a May Montana snowstorm would arrive and when our twins discovered that Igor and Zhivago were shivering in the barn, we immediately set up an NICU in the laundry room! Yep, we had goats in the house for a week!!! (If you would ever have asked me when I was living in California if I would spend my mornings mopping up goat poop in the laundry room, I'd have called you crazy...).

The snow let up...I mean, HELLO!!!!'s June already...and we were finally able to take the goats down to the barn and to their proper home. There was a day or so of touch and go, but they pulled through, little buggers...

They are cute as can be and LOVE attention...After all, they've been missing it since the day they were snatched away from their mama at only 48 hours of age!

We love them and we know you will too! Come see the goats!

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