Monday, June 30, 2008

~ Texas Cuties ~

Mekaela and her little brother, Aidan, sure are Texas cuties...
Here are a few snaps we shot in the playground at Sky Ranch after the shoot...

Just a little something to hold you over, Jennifer & Tom, until you return home...
Enjoy your week in Big Sky!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Family Circle & Wilhemina Model Mother-Daughter Search 2008

When I shot Courtney's modeling portfolio this past week (see previous blog entry), I took the opportunity to snap some mother-daughter photos as well. Courtney's mom, Lori is just beautiful...just get a load of those amazing freckles!

I suggested they enter the
Family Circle-Wilhemina Model Mother-Daughter Search 2008.
They had to send in a brief write-up (150 words or less) describing their relationship to each other (something about sharing Caesar salad, sushi and licorice??) and could only submit ONE photo.

What a dilemma...which to choose?

The entries will be judged on appearance (34%), photogenic quality (33%) and vitality (33%) as depicted in the photo submitted.
They decided upon this one:

The fabulous Grand Prize package includes a five-year modeling contract each with Wilhemina Models ($15,000 value), an appearance in a Family Circle magazine fashion feature and on, an all-expense paid trip to NYC, jewelry, cosmetics and more!

Good Luck, Lori and Courtney! We're all rooting for you.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

~ Meet America's Next Top Model ~ from Bozeman, Montana...

With her all-American, girl-next-door good looks, gorgeous 13 year-old Courtney is clearly on her way in the highly competitive world of fashion modeling.

Don't you just see her as the next Noxema Girl?....

or, the next Breck Girl...

Perhaps even, the new Ralph Lauren Girl...

The possibilities are endless...
Keep your eye on this one...she is going to GO places...especially with THESE legs...

Check out my newest portrait gallery titled "modeling portfolio" on my website under "portraits" to see more of Courtney...

Friday, June 27, 2008

Montana Childbirth Collective

The Montana Childbirth Collective (MCC) is holding their second annual birth art exhibit, "Celebrating Birth," this Saturday, June 28 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Bozeman Public Library large meeting room.

Sasha Lindberg, of Bellabirthing Doula & Birth Education, invited me to participate this year after discovering my new website and seeing my pregnancy, newborn and baby portraits. Naturally, I said YES and will have three pieces on exhibit. I am also donating a $100 print credit toward the event's numerous prize drawings! Last year, pieces as diverse as placenta prints, bronze belly casts and a Crow cradleboard were on display. The show should be just fascinating...

As a group of doulas and childbirth educators, MCC members share the common goal of empowering women and their partners in seeking fulfilling childbirth experiences. The MCC birth art exhibit has become an expression of this respect for the birth process, mothers, babies, and families. This year the event will also feature two showings of the critically acclaimed film, "The Business of Being Born" produced by Ricki Lake and Abby Epstein.

The exhibit is free and open to the public, and is a family and breastfeeding-friendly event.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Beautiful Family ~ Beautiful New Home!

Congratulations to Sherri, Sam and Sammy on their beautiful new home! They haven't even been there a week and are still unpacking boxes, but they had me come out yesterday to do some family portraits at this special time!

Little Sammy is already loving riding the lawn mower with dad and playing football in their large backyard with breathtaking views of the Bridgers!

Susann Saarel Fine Art Portraiture wishes you all much joy, love, laughter and amazing memories in your new home!

There are alot more images to come, Sherri...just wanted to post a few, including this "classic" on the front porch, to tide you over...

Monday, June 16, 2008

~ Summer Beauty ~

Summer photo season at Sky Ranch has officially begun!
A most delightful Miss Alyvia walked fields of wildflowers today in her golden sandals, smiling and laughing every step of the way.
She sure is a summer beauty if I ever saw one.
Parents, Mandie & Rex, whose engagement portraits I photographed over 6 years ago, were beaming with pride over their gorgeous little girl.
What a perfect session to start off the warm, long days of summer!
It was great seeing you again, Mandie & Rex!
After 6 years, with the exception of the creation of this beautiful little munchkin, you really haven't changed a bit!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Happy Father's Day, Papa!

When I posted a month ago at Mother's Day in honor of my mom, I recounted several stories she has told throughout the years with all her flourish and passion. Captivating her audience has always been effortless.

My father, too is a storyteller, but one without words. Just because he is a quiet man does not mean he has nothing to say... Instead of words, he uses the camera.

Growing up, I think my father almost always had a camera in front of his face. He has told the story of our family through tons of photos that will be handed down for generations. What a gift!
From what the pictures tell me, my father began documenting our family life beginning with my arriving on the scene in 1960 followed by our camping trip across Canada back in 1961 on our way to California, where we were headed to live the American Dream.
When I see this photo (that my mom obviously took), I have to stop wondering why it is that the best vacation on earth to me would be to rent a camper and travel the USA with my family for an entire summer or more...see all the major sights...Mt. Rushmore, Niagara Falls, the Grand Canyon for at diners, bathe in rivers and just enjoy the moment. Each and every one.
Like just lying in the grass and eating an ice-cream like I am here with my dad looking on. We are all so busy these days taking pictures of "events" and important moments that we are forgetting the REAL moments like just hanging out with dad...

Thank goodness my dad had the foresight to document those "everyday" moments...for the images he took mean the world to me as does he.
The images of our family doing ordinary things speaks volumes as to our life and love as a family.
My father has given me so many gifts in life including that of photography. For all the love, lessons and life experiences he has given me, I am grateful.
I love you, Papa!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Praying for Sunshine!

Children and parents throughout Montana are praying for sunshine after weeks of rain, rain, and more rain! School's out and the kids want to run and play, collect grasshoppers and butterflies, skateboard, ride bikes and dirtboards, horseback-ride and go fishing and swimming. But this is Montana and it snowed again least at Sky Ranch, it did.

The good news is there is a light at the end of the tunnel...looks like Friday the 13th is going to be a lucky day after all!....The sun will begin shining again on that day and the outdoor photo shoots amidst a profusion of wildflowers and velvety green grass will begin...just in time too!...

Susann Saarel Fine Art Portraiture has pregnancy and newborn, child and family, family reunion photography sessions in addition to some fun senior, pet portrait and even, by request, a few modeling portfolio sessions booked throughout the summer and well into Fall!

If you haven't booked your Summer or Fall session yet, there is still time, contact Susann Saarel for your "Windows of the Heart" photography session today...

Monday, June 2, 2008

Children and baby goats!...There's nothing cuter...

Susann Saarel Fine Art Portraiture is pleased to introduce, Igor and Zhivago, our beautiful baby goats...the perfect accessory for a darling child portrait or at the very least, a fun experience for the kids AFTER the photo session at Sky Ranch...

Our two newest "kids" were rescued by a friend, Joe of Paradise Valley. A misled rancher took on 30 baby goats, some as young as 2 days old, with the impression that they could fend for themselves and that they would need nothing more than a piece of plywood for a shelter. Nineteen baby goats died.

Joe collected the remaining 11 goats and needing a companion for our La Mancha doe, Shatoosh, we decided to help Joe out and adopt 2 of his "rescues". Naturally, our twins picked out the 2 smallest and cutest goats, which also happened to be the sickest.

A trip to the vet revealed the babies were only 10 lbs. could feel the skin & bones. They each received 2 giant shots of antiobiotic and were sent home with us on a wing and a prayer...

We put them up in their own stall in the barn as we were told to keep them separate from Shatoosh. Wouldn't you know...a May Montana snowstorm would arrive and when our twins discovered that Igor and Zhivago were shivering in the barn, we immediately set up an NICU in the laundry room! Yep, we had goats in the house for a week!!! (If you would ever have asked me when I was living in California if I would spend my mornings mopping up goat poop in the laundry room, I'd have called you crazy...).

The snow let up...I mean, HELLO!!!!'s June already...and we were finally able to take the goats down to the barn and to their proper home. There was a day or so of touch and go, but they pulled through, little buggers...

They are cute as can be and LOVE attention...After all, they've been missing it since the day they were snatched away from their mama at only 48 hours of age!

We love them and we know you will too! Come see the goats!