Friday, October 31, 2008

Paradise found...

When you're young and in love and living in Paradise Valley, Montana, life is pretty darn perfect. So it would figure that the day of my session with Carrie and Ellis would be perfect too! In fact, haven't we been having the most awesome weather???
The newest addition to Carrie & Ellis' "family" is Chimba, now 6 months old. (Get a load of the size of him!) I think puppies and dogs are harder to photograph than children, but their "baby", Chimba was on his best puppy behavior. Obeying commands, only occasionally to burst forth in joy...
Isn't Chimba absolutely gorgeous? I had never seen a Rhodesian Ridgeback before! They are also known as the African Lion Dog. He was one big ball of bounding energy! And oh, THAT FACE!!!

This is the darling look you get from Chimba when you call out "Cookie! Cookie!"
Carrie and Ellis are pretty cute too! And yes, I do believe they've found Paradise!

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