Friday, October 3, 2008

Lions and Tigers and BEARS!!!...Oh My!!!

Oh, aren't this grizzly mama and her cub just the cutest???

This is the way I'd like to picture them...all sweet and snuggled up. Especially after our neighbor up on the next hill phoned us yesterday to inform us he'd just spotted a grizzly near our teepee...and yes, he was sure it was a GRIZZLY! Now, the teepee is some distance from the house, but still!!!...

Look, over the years we've seen it all up here at Sky Ranch, Montana, from the resident elk herd of 300 to plenty of mule & whitetail deer, moose and coyotes as well as the occasional fox, badger, mountain lion & rattlesnake and more...

And what about the time the twins while on a hike with their nanny on our "Trail of the Fairies" came face to face with a bear who proceeded to stand up on his hind legs to scare THEM off???

And yet, this is why we live here in this beautiful and awesome LAST BEST PLACE they call Montana and we call Sky Ranch. With beauty as never-ending as that which we experience year-round...Spring, Summer, Winter and Fall...there is no doubt why Susann Saarel "Windows of the Heart" Fine Art Portraiture calls the Montana outdoors that surrounds her, the ultimate photographic studio. There is no man-made backdrop that can surpass the true beauty of the Absaroka, Crazy or Bridger Mountains in the background. There is nothing more real than a child running through the green summer grass picking wildflowers along the way or marvelling at the magic of falling snow...

Grizzly Bears and all other wild animals aside...
If you are looking for pregnancy, baby, children's, family & high school senior and couples portraits that truly reflect Montana and all that she is and all that you are, then please do call on me, Susann Saarel "Windows of the Heart" Fine Art Portraiture...

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