Tuesday, October 28, 2008

double proud...

One of the great things about being a mother of twins is not only do you have double the pleasure and double the fun...you also have double the pride!!!
Sam & Larissa could hardly contain themselves waving us down at the schoolyard today with their Presidential Physical Fitness Award Certificates and patches in hand. They were among 6 students in their ENTIRE school to win the Presidential distinction. Winans Elementary in Livingston has a total of 230 students.
The Presidential Physical Fitness Award recognizes students who achieve an outstanding level of physical fitness in school testing. Boys and girls must score at or above the 85th percentile on 5 events including curl-ups, shuttle run, endurance run/walk, pull-ups and sit and reach.
Sam & Larissa have regularly placed either in the National or Presidential categories since they began the testing in public school. Oh sure, they have inherited our good sporting genes, but more so, they are encouraged to run outside and play all summer long and every day after school. Like we used all used to do as kids...remember??? They chase after butterflies, build volcanoes in the sandbox and tunnels in the snow and all the while, they are running, climbing, digging and becoming physically fit children without even thinking about it. They get extra bonus points for mucking out horse and goat stalls and hauling hay.

In an age where children are lured by the computer, TV and video games, let's remember to invite our children into nature and let them run and play, climb, fall down, get dirty and get up again. It will prepare them for life...

They will become physically fit, stay healthy and live long!!!

For more information, visit:

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