Our twins, that is...well they've been back for almost a week now, but it's been crazy since they came home...you know how it is...
At 8 years of age, this is the 2nd time they've flown to LAX to spend time with my parents, otherwise known as Oma & Opa in beautiful Santa Monica, California. The hitch?...I signed them up for swimming lessons while they were there. Sam & Larissa were gone for 13 days, and successfully passed the Minnow B class. Their swimming has improved tremendously!!! Next year, they'll be FISH! My mom happily took them to their daily lessons followed by trips to the beach to collect sandcrabs and boogie-board followed by romps in the pool at "home", where they splashed around until after dark...
My mom & dad, God Bless 'em, even took them to Knott's Berry Farm one day and to top it all off, their cousins from Phoenix even came to visit. Here are a few photos my dad, the "original" photographer, shared with me of the twins' time in California...
Picking tomatoes in Oma's garden...

With cousins, Rio, Wesley and York at the beach (not shown is cousin Daniel Nolan)...

Seeing my daughter having a good hearty laugh with my mom is a real heartwarmer...
and are you getting dizzy yet???...here they are at Knott's on the Mexican Sombreros followed by Sam on Big Foot Rapids...
Sheesh...it's pitch dark, and the kids are still at it...doing CANNON BALLS in the pool...and I'm sure that neighbors, Marie and Marge were totally amused...
Here are 2 proud "Minnow B" graduates...Sam even DOVE (in almost perfect form) off the 3-meter high dive, while Larissa bravely closed her eyes and jumped!
Thank you Oma & Opa for showing Sam & Larissa a really great time.
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