Wednesday, August 6, 2008

sweet sweet baby...

Sweet little Cooper was born July 16 at Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. His parents, Staci & Karsten loved the work I have on exhibit there in the Labor & Delivery Ward and e-mailed me the day after Cooper's birth to set up a newborn/family session to also include big brother, Jonas.

How precious is this with Cooper holding his mama's face?

And is there anything more beautiful than a mother in love with her baby?

This is such a beautiful and powerful image, you could stare at it forever... I'm definately going to have to put some of these up at the hospital...

We did a number of family shots that were "perfect", but this one has got to be my this point, 2-year old Jonas was not going to sit still anymore and wanted to play...

Adorable Jonas loves his new brother AND the yellow Tonka truck in my kids' playground!

Congratulations, Staci, Karsten & Jonas! You are a beautiful & gentle family. Es freute mich sehr Euch kennenzulernen sowie die Oma's und Tante. Wir senden Euch alle liebe Gruesse von Sky Ranch!

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