Saturday, May 24, 2008

It's raining cats & dogs!!!

OK, so it's been raining cats and dogs for days (not to mention snowing up here at the ranch...yes, this is May in Montana!) so when the twins tell me that the new baby goats we adopted a few days ago are shivering in the barn, what do we do???...We bring them into the house, of course! Igor and Zhivago, only 10 lbs. each have been cozily put up in our laundry room for the past few days. Our 4 dogs, Kiko, Cowboy, Allie & Marbles are wondering what on earth the neat new smell is and what all the baaing is all about.

So why should I be surprised when we decide to stay in out of the rain today and my daughter, Larissa spends time redecorating her dollhouse and creates this masterpiece??...with a total of 29 in our immediate family including mom & dad, a set of 8 year old twins, 4 dogs, 4 horses, 3 goats, a cockatiel and 13 fish...this is our life on the ranch...

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