Thursday, May 22, 2008

High School Seniors Rock!!!

I may be getting old, but it seems that today's High School Seniors are a lot more grown up, confident and self-assured than I was in my day at Samohi (Santa Monica High School) in 1978! But then again, I was a late bloomer...

The graduating girls AND guys from throughout Montana that I have photographed this past year are just gorgeous, each in his or her own very special way. The talents and dreams of these young adults just boggle my mind...there are musicians & actresses, scientists & political activists, dirt bike riders and horsewomen among you, not to mention, doctors, explorers and adventurers. In fact, I think all 17 and 18 year olds are explorers and adventurers! they should be...

It has been my privilege to meet and photograph countless amazing young adults as they embark upon the world and make their mark. So congratulations from Susann Saarel Fine Art Portraiture to the Class of 2008 from Bozeman High School, Livingston's Park High and beyond...

With my ad (above) appearing in the Bozeman High School's Hawk Talk this month and bookings already scheduled for seniors from as far away as California, I am looking forward to meeting and shooting the Class of 2009! You are young, beautiful and talented...YOU ROCK!!!

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