Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Living Legend...

Congratulations to Godfrey Saunders who recently announced his retirement as Bozeman High School Principal after 12 years in "one of the toughest jobs in town" according to the Bozeman Chronicle. Gail Schontzler, a Chronicle staff writer, did an amazing job in her article on Godfrey titled "Big man, big heart" in the Sunday, January 4 issue. It was much more than a was a tribute!
I have known the Saunders family for years having done everything from family portraits to senior pictures and even a wedding so naturally, I read the article with great interest. Beautiful, just beautiful! Godfrey truly is a living legend! And honestly, the whole family is just wonderful...really sweet people.

With so many high school kids and folks in the community that love and respect Mr. Saunders, the next Principal of Bozeman High School sure is going to have some big shoes to fill.

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