Friday, January 23, 2009

New Year, New Blog!

Blogger has been good to me, but I've long craved a more customized look that really matched my portrait photography website, my overall vision and style. I found exactly what I was looking for in WordPress. So, if all goes well, this will be my last blog post in blogger. I am about to import all of my blogger posts into my new WordPress blog so everything will be neat and tidy and organized and all in one place (just the way I like it) ...this blog will remain here for all blogger eternity (whatever that means), but there will be no more posts.

My new blog address is
I look forward to seeing you there!

Thanks for stopping by and for your continued support and interested in my work!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I was absolutely heartbroken to learn of the tragic and untimely death of one of my recent clients, Travis Engstrom of Bozeman. He and his wife Kelly came to see me for newborn and family photos following the birth of their firstborn child, Kaden Lee. Now Kaden Lee is 6 months old... and his daddy is gone. At only 35 years of age, his father Travis, a huge lover of the outdoors, was a victim of an avalanche while snowmobiling along with his beloved wife and a group of friends near Cooke City this past weekend.

.Words cannot begin to express how my heart goes out to Kelly knowing what unimaginable pain she must be going through right now to lose her husband, her soulmate, the father of her child. Truly, I haven't stopped thinking about this since I received the news via email on Sunday, thankfully prior to reading it in the newspaper today. What breaks my heart most of all, is that their baby will never know his father, the man who gave him life and who loved him so deeply...except for the pictures and stories and any videos they may have taken as a family...
All I know is this...that when I photograph a person, a child, a family...their image is forever etched in my mind and so it is that I can easily recall Travis Engstrom, a man who radiated like the sun itself when I photographed him with his beautiful baby boy. In all these years, I don't think I've ever seen a man more in love with his newborn child. He was awestruck, mesmerized...and it was so clear...his life would never be the same again for he was not only a husband, but a father as well and suddenly, life took on a whole new meaning. The connection he had with his wife Kelly was so effortless and deep. It was clear to see they were kindred spirits and that their child was truly borne of love.
So please, allow me to share a few of the first and last photographs taken of the Travis Engstrom Family...

A family forever wrapped up in love...
And lastly, to Kelly and Kaden Lee...may the light of that brilliant new star in the sky that shines upon you bring you peace and comfort you in all the days to come...

In deepest sympathy...

Update (1/21): I would like to add that a memorial fund has been set up for Kelly and Kaden at if you would like to donate.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Living Legend...

Congratulations to Godfrey Saunders who recently announced his retirement as Bozeman High School Principal after 12 years in "one of the toughest jobs in town" according to the Bozeman Chronicle. Gail Schontzler, a Chronicle staff writer, did an amazing job in her article on Godfrey titled "Big man, big heart" in the Sunday, January 4 issue. It was much more than a was a tribute!
I have known the Saunders family for years having done everything from family portraits to senior pictures and even a wedding so naturally, I read the article with great interest. Beautiful, just beautiful! Godfrey truly is a living legend! And honestly, the whole family is just wonderful...really sweet people.

With so many high school kids and folks in the community that love and respect Mr. Saunders, the next Principal of Bozeman High School sure is going to have some big shoes to fill.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Newborn Casting Call

A new baby...a new exquisite portrait...

My newborn sessions typically take place in the comfort of your own home or outdoors at Sky Ranch (weather-permitting) and include a variety of poses, groupings and backdrop changes resulting in an online gallery full of meaningful images...

As a creative artist, I am constantly evolving and discovering new-found vision, inspiration and opportunity in the beauty that surrounds me...the beauty of Montana. I am therefore seeking newborn models - singletons, twins and triplets, boys and girls - to help me fulfill these visions by initiating my first ever newborn casting call.

If you are pregnant (or know someone who is) and are due between February and September 2009, and are interested in this unique opportunity, please e-mail me at for details.

Newborn casting call sessions are limited.

Friday, January 2, 2009

A New Year, a New Cover Child!

Starting off the New Year 2009 as Montana Parent Magazine's Jan*Feb 2009 Cover Child is darling Clay of Bozeman. What a cutie-pie! Also, congratulations to Montana Parent and publisher, Laura Abshire on your 7th year!!! My, how time flies...
Happy New Year everybody and especially to Clay who was lucky enough to score 2 months on the newstands!