Friday, December 26, 2008

My new baby...Thank you SANTA!

I must have been a good girl this year because not only did Santa bring me a new pair of Uggs (which I pretty much live in 6 months of the year), but also the award-winning Nikon D300! 5th Nikon camera...
Isn't she just gorgeous??? I can't wait for my first photo session with the meantime, I'm conducting workshops...truly!!!...our 9-year old twins also received Nikons from Santa...the Nikon Coolpix P80, that not only are they taking a ton of pictures of everything from the dogs and goats to the snowy scene here at Sky Ranch, but they are also taking movies and recording music! Check 'em out...

Certainly a far cry from the Kodak Instamatic I received on my 7th Birthday way back in '67!!!

Hoping y'all had a beautiful Christmas celebration...see you in the New Year...if not sooner on the slopes...

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