October is one of our favorite months in the year...it begins with our family's annual tradition of a visit to Rocky Creek Farm in Bozeman to pick pumpkins.

Upon arrival, we climb into the tractor-pulled haywagon for a scenic ride through the farm to the pumpkin patch. Our twins and all the other children run wild with excitement searching for the biggest pumpkin they can find. We've been going to the farm since the twins were a year old and the neat thing is that Farmer Pete Fay and his regular staff remember us year after year and truly enjoy watching our kids and all the other children grow up.

After picking out our pumpkins, we also pick up a few gourds, a bale of straw and some dried corn stalks to decorate our front porch with. It's beautiful and welcoming. We also take a few gallons of fresh apple cider home with us.
The visit to Rocky Creek Farm is also the perfect opportunity to take beautiful photographs of your children. The kids are busy and happy running around, playing in the hay maze or swinging on the tree swing...add the vibrant fall colors and golden light...and well, you can see why I take my camera every year to photograph the annual event.
The farm is now open for pumpkin-picking Tuesday - Friday from 1 - 5 p.m. and on weekends. Call (406) 585-0225 for directions and information. Make sure to tell Pete that child photographer Susann Saarel sent you!
And finally...who needs scarecrows when you have twins that look like this?:::
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