Certainly a far cry from the Kodak Instamatic I received on my 7th Birthday way back in '67!!!
Hoping y'all had a beautiful Christmas celebration...see you in the New Year...if not sooner on the slopes...
Certainly a far cry from the Kodak Instamatic I received on my 7th Birthday way back in '67!!!
Hoping y'all had a beautiful Christmas celebration...see you in the New Year...if not sooner on the slopes...
Tonight, as you all raise your champagne glasses and toast 50 wonderful years together, remember that we are with you in spirit. That we love you very much and are so proud to have parents that share a forever love...
It's tradition here at Sky Ranch to break out the Christmas decorations the day after Thanksgiving and "deck the halls" while listening, singing and dancing to Christmas music all day long, stopping only to eat Thanksgiving leftovers...
That same weekend with nightfall and a snowstorm looming on the horizon, we decided to hurry and get our tree before the snow got any deeper. So here is our Annual Christmas Tree Hunt...finally documented in photos...and, if you're interested in seeing a few more photos...a slideshow.
Doug and I put up the tree and he strung the lights. This is the first year the twins decorated the entire tree by themselves, getting up on ladders to reach the top of the 13 foot tree.
We're ready for Santa and any other pop in guests!
Rikka, Henry and Maria...home for the Holidays!
The Absaroka's don't make a bad backdrop either!...Heck, this family looks great in front of any mountain range!
And to think we were all done by 8:45 a.m.! Thanks Kate & Mark for making the trek up to the ranch and so early too! Hope you had a great Holiday!!!
Just click on the Tiny Prints link right here on the blog and you're on your way!
Seven beautiful grandchildren!....
I remember when oldest daughter Lisa brought her kids, Grant & Averie, to be photographed with Santa at LillyLu in downtown Bozeman!...where does the time go?... Just look at them now...