Family reunions are really a special occasion, but how about celebrating one big happy family that lives in the same town! Now, THAT's REALLY special! Susan and Peter have 3 gorgeous daughters who married 3 handsome men. So what would you expect, but a bunch of adorable grandkids!!!
Here's the gang...of 15 and counting???
Seven beautiful grandchildren!....
I remember when oldest daughter Lisa brought her kids, Grant & Averie, to be photographed with Santa at LillyLu in downtown Bozeman!...where does the time go?... Just look at them now...
Love this photo of Lisa and her beautiful daughter Averie....
And don't middle daughter, Debby, her hubby Keith, and their 4 gorgeous kids look like they just popped right out of a Ralph Lauren ad??...
Last but not least, there is youngest daughter, Sunny and her husband parents to daughter, Ave. Oh, how they love her... .

And to think all this beauty started with just the two of you...
Ain't love grand?